When installing grass, it can be rather expensive, therefore it’s important to maintain your grass to keep it looking as fresh as possible for longer. Artificial grass in the long run is a lot less work than normal grass, however there are small maintenance jobs you need to keep on top of to keep the aesthetics top quality. Artificial grass looks very beneficial in the long run, and you can spend more of the summer months in the garden enjoying a BBQ rather than having to do tedious garden chores.

Avoid corrosive chemicals near your grass

Corrosive cleaners should be kept away from your artificial lawn, over time the use of these chemicals on your grass will cause irreversible damage, and the aesthetics of your lawn will suffer.

You need to ensure you keep on top of your grass, and monitor what you’re putting on it. Leaves over a period time can start to release corrosive chemicals, as well as dead bugs and animal faeces.  Therefore, ensure you are regularly removing organic products that can cause this effect.

The right equipment for your lawn

You can cause extra damage to your lawn by not having the right equipment when cleaning and removing these organic products. These items will keep your garden look prim and proper and help when you are cleaning the garden. You will only need a rake, a hose and leaf blower. With only needing three things to maintain your garden it saves a lot of room in the shed, so it maximises your outdoor living space!


Stains are always likely to happen; therefore, it is important you treat them straight away before they’ve settled properly. It is best to avoid using strong corrosive chemicals on the stains as this could damage the grass further, it is best hosing the stain down instead.

Distribute the fibres

Using a rake throughout your grass will evenly distribute the fibres and make your grass look as good as new. It is important to regularly do this to look for any unexpected weeds, and it helps the grass wear evenly rather than in parts.

Sometimes weeds will be able to poke their way through the artificial grass, so it’s important you purchase a mild weed killer, ensure you check it’s not too powerful otherwise this could affect the grass.

Artificial grass looks very beneficial throughout your home if you can look after it properly. Great Grass creates good quality artificial grass that will make your outdoor living space perfect for summer!