Every decade or every couple of years there is an invention or product that revolutionises the way the world works in everyday life. There was sliced bread of course that saved the world a lot of time and energy in the morning; the microwave which introduced us to a whole new way of cooking; the television which has quickly become a staple in homes across the globe; the internet which is arguably the biggest invention to date; and countless other innovative products and systems that we have adopted to make our lives that little bit easier.

Now, with more and more people taking an interest in their gardens, the new kid on the block is artificial grass. Artificial grass is the best, most efficient way to have a beautiful, lush garden without much fuss, maintenance or energy involved! Just like the clever and innovative products that came before it; the iPod, the kettle, the laptop etc. artificial grass makes your life easier! A low maintenance garden – imagine that.

Some of the benefits of artificial grass include:

  • No need to spend time mowing, weeding, cutting or using chemicals to get your lawn looking just right, providing a truly low maintenance garden. This leaves you more time to do the things you actually want to do – such as enjoying a drink on your artificial grass lawn!
  • Artificial grass looks impeccable all year round and if you decide to have an impromptu garden party or BBQ (we know how unreliable the British weather is) you won’t have to worry about what your garden looks like.
  • Artificial grass isn’t affected by the weather so no matter if we get scorching sun, torrential rain or frozen tundra – your lawn will keep on keeping on!
  • Artificial grass lawns are also efficient when it comes to water usage as a quick rinse with some soapy water is all you need to keep it looking great. There’s no need to continually water as it doesn’t grow!
  • Crucially, artificial grass is safe and ideal for pets and children.

This is the time for artificial grass – don’t let the opportunity for a low maintenance garden pass you by!