Balconies and terraces are becoming more popular throughout urban cities, as people do anything they can to maximum their space whether in a house or a terrace, adding artificial grass creates a rural feel which is hard to find in big cities like Manchester and London.
Adding artificial grass to a balcony enables you to use the space as well as possible, adding grass gives you a garden feel which people long for when living in a flat, therefore you are getting the best of both worlds. You can create your own unique space, including a set of tables and chairs and potentially flower pots- it adds a sense of homeliness to your flat and is a relaxing place for you to sit whilst looking at the beautiful views around you.
Artificial grass is very low maintenance, therefore for people on the run you can enjoy the grass without having to get the mower out on when you have more important activities to be getting on with. It is proven that having a garden you are happy with and enjoy relaxing in makes you overall happier, therefore it is so important to have a space that you appreciate and regularly relax in.
As our grass has small drainage holes you don’t need to worry about the grass over flowing or becoming waterlogged as the water would be able to drain away through the balcony without causing any issue.
Great Grass are excellent artificial grass installers, and can provide a range of different grasses to you look through to see which is most suitable to you. With affordable prices, they can install your grass quickly and efficiently meaning you can have your new garden as quickly as possible. Great Grass can answer any more questions you have, with artificial grass, and help advice you as much as possible.